2023 Lonergan SV150 Rankings

The Lon­er­gan SV150 is the defin­i­tive rank­ing of the top pub­lic com­pa­nies in tech­nol­o­gy locat­ed in the Sil­i­con Valley.

Since 2018, we have been pub­lish­ing a new and improved list of the top pub­lic tech com­pa­nies in Sil­i­con Val­ley, which we call the Lon­er­gan SV150

As experts in Sil­i­con Val­ley lead­er­ship and tal­ent, Lon­er­gan Part­ners is pub­lish­ing this list as a pub­lic ser­vice. We hope you will use it as a ref­er­ence guide for bet­ter under­stand­ing the top com­pa­nies and busi­ness lead­ers in our area.

Fol­low the links below for our insights about the Com­pa­nies and Peo­ple of the Lon­er­gan SV150.

Down­load the Com­pa­ny Rank­ings, or get the detailed datat­able with more infor­ma­tion about each com­pa­ny on the list.

Down­load our new Report on CEO Turnover, pub­lished August 2023

Insight Links

Public Market Tickers

Com­pa­ny Insights

  • Lon­er­gan SV150 rev­enues grow 8.5% in 2022
  • Despite the tech stock slump, 1 in 4 com­pa­nies show high­er mar­ket caps year-over-year
  • No slow­down in acqui­si­tions, but a 2022 halt to tech IPOs
  • Rate of HQ depar­tures slows way down

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Peo­ple Insights

  • Tech lay­offs take a bite out of pan­dem­ic-era employ­ment growth
  • Board diver­si­ty push may be slow­ing down
  • CEO tenure met­rics way up, reflect­ing increas­ing num­bers of founder-CEOs

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SV Map with HP Garage Highlighted

LSV150 Archive

How the Rank­ing was devel­oped
Read about the method­ol­o­gy for rank­ing these com­pa­nies, see our Sil­i­con Val­ley map, and under­stand how our list is relat­ed to the Mer­cury News SV150.

Read about the data in the table and com­pa­ny spe­cif­ic notes.

Media Resources

Select from a vari­ety of media assets you can use in your online or print­ed arti­cles about the Lon­er­gan SV150.

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The Stan­ford Dish ban­ner pho­to at the top of this page is by Jawed [CC BY 3.0 ], from Wiki­me­dia Commons