General Footnotes
Silicon Valley is defined as the area within 50 miles of the famous HP garage in Palo Alto. The HP Garage has some claim to be called the birthplace of Silicon Valley. This geographic area comprises all of the counties of San Francisco, San Mateo, Alameda, Santa Cruz and Contra Costa, almost all of Santa Clara county, and parts of Marin. In addition, very small parts of Stanislaus, San Joaquin, Solano and Sacramento counties are included.
Year Public was sourced from company filings first. Missing data was sourced from internet based company profiles such as in Crunchbase, or from news articles. In some instances, we have had to choose among multiple possible IPO years, typically when the company went through significant structural changes, usually with a public spin-off or two public entities merging.
2022 Sales is for the four quarters ending on or nearest to 12-31-2022. The quarter ending the reported period is shown on the rankings download in the column to the right of 2022 Sales. Companies with more limited reported information available will be noted in the specific company footnotes below.
Growth refers to year-over-year sales growth, with the same time period adjustments as made to 2022 sales.
Profitability refers to Net Income over Sales (net profit) adjusted to the same time period as 2022 Sales.
Market Cap taken from Yahoo Finance dated March 31, 2023. This site defines market cap as stock price multiplied by shares outstanding taken from the most recently filed quarterly or annual report.
CEO name taken from the company website the week of March 6, 2023. Interim status is noted whenever this was described on the website, or in recent press releases. Founder status was noted if the CEO was called a founder on the company website or in the latest proxy statement. Online bios such as LinkedIn and Bloomberg were also consulted for clarification when necessary.
Headquarters is identified from content on the company websites visited during the month of March 2023. In cases where no HQ is listed on the website (something which has grown more frequent in recent years), we consulted press releases, media coverage, and the last proxy statement. In some cases where it was difficult to interpret information, we used our best judgment.
Company Footnotes
There are no company specific footnotes for companies listed in the rankings for 2022 sales.
The Stanford Dish banner photo at the top of this page is by Jawed [CC BY 3.0 ], from Wikimedia Commons