Kirsten Settle

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"It’s an honor to join forces with Founders, CEOs, and Boards to build the leadership teams driving the next generation of semiconductor, high-performance computing, and AI/ML systems technology innovation.”

Kirsten is one of Sil­i­con Val­ley’s top recruiters, focus­ing on CEOs, CXOs, and boards of direc­tors for glob­al pub­lic and ven­ture-backed enter­prise tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­nies in high-per­for­mance com­put­ing, AI/ML, semi­con­duc­tors and sys­tems. She has made suc­cess­ful place­ments at promi­nent pub­lic com­pa­nies includ­ing Infi­neon [XETRA:IFX], Ram­bus [NAS­DAQ: RMBS] and Quick­Log­ic [NAS­DAQ: QUIK], and has obtained a loy­al pri­vate and ven­ture-backed clien­tele includ­ing Tem­plafy, Groq, MIPS and d‑Matrix.

Read Kirsten’s pro­file post­ed by the GSA’s Wom­en’s Lead­er­ship Initiative.

Professional Engagements

Over the past few years, Kirsten has emerged as a thought leader on all issues sur­round­ing tech lead­er­ship. Kirsten has lent her to many speak­ing events and has been inter­viewed for video for­mat tech com­pi­la­tions, includ­ing the AWS Start­up Pre­dic­tions series; she has been a guest speak­er fea­tured at Bay angels, the Club, Black VC, and eWow, as well as the mod­er­a­tor at events with the Bay Area Human Resource Exec­u­tives Council.

Down­load Kirsten’s Speak­er Bio

Education & Interests

Kirsten grad­u­at­ed with Hon­ors from West­ern Michi­gan Uni­ver­si­ty. Pri­or to join­ing Lon­er­gan Part­ners, Kirsten was the Founder/​Chairman of Tech­Next, an inno­v­a­tive entre­pre­neur­ship pro­gram for stu­dents at West­ern Michi­gan Uni­ver­si­ty. Tech­Next immers­es aspir­ing stu­dent entre­pre­neurs in the tech­nolo­gies and com­pa­nies of the Sil­i­con Val­ley. Kirsten is also an active vol­un­teer with a local chap­ter of Girls, Inc., a non-prof­it encour­ag­ing all girls to be Strong, Smart and Bold.” 

In her leisure time, Kirsten loves going to the beach and enjoy­ing the Cal­i­for­nia sunshine. 

Kirsten's Speaking Engagements

Client Testimonial

Robert LeFort Portrait

I have enjoyed working with the Lonergan team. Lonergan Partners proved to be a great partner, going well beyond the standard search firm to become part of our team.

Robert LeFort, President, Infineon Technologies Americas Corp.

Kirsten Settle

Partner, Lonergan Partners

Specialties: Executive positions in high-performance computing, AI/ML, semiconductors and systems.


[email protected]

Kirsten Settle Portrait