Kirsten Settle Moderates: The CHRO - The CEO Perspective

Moderated by Kirsten Settle

This invi­ta­tion-only event brought togeth­er a statured pan­el of tech CEOs to dis­cuss the very spe­cial nature of the CHRO role. These pan­elists includ­ed: Emi­ly Liggett (For­mer CEO — Nova­Torque, Adam de la Zer­da (CECO — Vis­by Med­ical), and Dr. Ford Tamer (For­mer CEO — Inphi).

At this invi­ta­tion-only event, the top­ics dis­cussed included:

    • The CHRO’s spe­cial rela­tion­ship with CEO as Trust­ed Advi­sor” and some­times CEO Coach”
    • Board vis­i­bil­i­ty for the CHRO and the Human Resources function
    • Rela­tion­ship build­ing for the CHRO, espe­cial­ly with the entire senior man­age­ment team
    • The chang­ing nature of the work­force, par­tic­u­lar­ly in their reac­tions to ESG efforts
    • Dif­fer­ences between Human Resources in large pub­lic com­pa­nies ver­sus ven­ture-backed companies
    • The job of cul­ture cre­ation and shap­ing from a Human Resources perspective
    • Trans­paren­cy and Direct­ness from HR leaders

Images from the Event

Event Sponsors

Kirsten Settle

Partner, Lonergan Partners

Specialties: Executive positions in high-performance computing, AI/ML, semiconductors and systems.


[email protected]

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