Michael Cunningham

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Model N

"The technology landscape is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and it's ultimately the people that drive innovation. I take great pride in helping my clients build leadership teams to shape the future of technology."

Michael focus­es on recruit­ing exec­u­tives for grow­ing pub­lic and ven­ture-backed com­pa­nies for infra­struc­ture tech­nol­o­gy, espe­cial­ly semi­con­duc­tors, sys­tems, and next-gen com­pute for AI. He has made suc­cess­ful place­ments at notable pub­lic com­pa­ny clients includ­ing Infi­neon, Mod­el N, C3.ai and Ram­bus; he has also worked with an excit­ing ros­ter of high-growth pri­vate­ly backed clients includ­ing D‑Wave Sys­tems, Trulioo, Automa­tion Any­where, and others.

Read Michael’s lat­est blog post on rejoin­ing Lon­er­gan Partners

Professional History

Pri­or to rejoin­ing Lon­er­gan Part­ners, Michael worked at Infos­ys Con­sult­ing. Dur­ing his time at busi­ness school, he also worked at Dell Tech­nolo­gies and man­aged the dili­gence team for the Aggie Angel Network.

Education & Interests

Michael earned his MBA from the Mays Business School at Texas A&M University, and is a graduate of Santa Clara University with a BS cum laude. While at Santa Clara, Michael was president and captain of the Men’s Rugby team. He led the team to the national playoffs and an 8th overall national ranking in D1A Rugby.

In his spare time, he enjoys spending time on his boat, golfing, and rooting for his home state Texas sports teams.

Michael Cunningham

Partner, Lonergan Partners

Specialties: Semiconductors, Systems and Next-Gen Compute for AI


[email protected]

Michael Cunningham Portrait