AWS Startup Predictions with Partner Kirsten Settle

Each year, Ama­zon’s CTO Wern­er Vogel pub­lish­es pre­dic­tions for the year ahead and beyond.

For 2023, Werner’s 5 pre­dic­tions cov­er top­ics both spe­cif­ic to cer­tain indus­tries and technologies.

Ama­zon has invit­ed Part­ner Kirsten Set­tle to take out her crys­tal ball and offer some insights into what these pre­dic­tions will mean for start ups in their infor­ma­tive new video:

What Amazon CTO Werner Vogels’ predictions for 2024 mean for startups

Watch the video on the AWS website.

Kirsten Settle

Partner, Lonergan Partners

Specialties: Executive positions in high-performance computing, AI/ML, semiconductors and systems.


[email protected]

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