Announcing the 2022 Lonergan SV150

A look back at 2021 in Silicon Valley

Mark Lonergan, April 12th, 2022

Lon­er­gan Part­ners is pleased to bring you the timeli­est ever Lon­er­gan SV 150 – our annu­al rank­ing of the top pub­lic tech com­pa­nies head­quar­tered with­in fifty miles of the old HP Garage — to paint you a pic­ture of 2021 tech sec­tor results.

Get the Com­pa­ny Rank­ings on a PDF suit­able for print­ing, or for detailed met­rics on each com­pa­ny, down­load the LSV150 datat­able.

Read our Lon­er­gan SV 150 Insights.

2021 saw some BIG cor­po­rate changes in the Sil­i­con Valley.

This year’s LSV150 rank­ings pro­duced many new and sur­pris­ing Sil­i­con Val­ley trends, including:

  • Lon­er­gan SV150 rev­enues surge 25% to an all time high of $1.5 trillion
  • Mar­ket cap exceeds $10 tril­lion for the first time — despite the loss of Tes­la, Ora­cle, HPE and oth­er giants from the rankings
  • Explo­sion of large-scale IPOs result in 17 new­ly pub­lic com­pa­nies mak­ing the list
  • The real win­ners — founder-CEOs con­tin­ue to flour­ish in the LSV150
  • Dis­mal num­ber of women CEOs — again!
  • Dra­mat­ic increase in women on boards

For detailed insight on the top­ics above, vis­it our LSV 150 Insights page to read our analy­sis. Look for more of our posts in the com­ing weeks.