Lonergan SV150 Insights - 2022

A Look Back at the Year 2021

The Lon­er­gan SV150 is the defin­i­tive list of the top pub­lic com­pa­nies in tech­nol­o­gy locat­ed in the Sil­i­con Val­ley. Get the Com­pa­ny Rank­ings on a PDF suit­able for print­ing, or for detailed met­rics on each com­pa­ny, down­load the LSV150 datat­able. Con­tin­ue read­ing for our analy­sis and insights below.

2021 is a surge year for just about everything

2021 set records for just about every­thing in the Lon­er­gan Sil­i­con Val­ley 150:

Rev­enues: up 25% from last year’s rank­ing, to $1.56 Tril­lion - a new high
Net income
: up 42% from last year’s rank­ing, to $342 Bil­lion - also a record high
Mar­ket cap
: up 8% from March 31 of last year, to $10.6 Tril­lion, despite the head­quar­ters moves of new­ly Texas-based Tes­la, Ora­cle, and HPE, as well as the down­ward pres­sure on stocks from recent glob­al eco­nom­ic and polit­i­cal events — this is a record high for the LSV150

On top of all this record shat­ter­ing, there was a block­buster crop of 17 new­ly pub­lic com­pa­nies added to the rank­ings, as well as eight mov­ing HQs out of the area, and twelve being acquired/​going pri­vate.

Our rank­ings are dom­i­nat­ed by Apple: #1 ranked Apple (rep­re­sent­ing 24% of Lon­er­gan SV150 rev­enue) con­tin­ued to be a major con­trib­u­tor to deter­min­ing over­all growth. Apple grew cal­en­dar year 2021 rev­enues by 29% ver­sus only 10% for the 2020 cal­en­dar year (Apple fis­cal year adjust­ed per our rank­ing method­ol­o­gy; the Apple fis­cal year end­ed Sep­tem­ber 302021). 

    Con­tin­ue read­ing our LSV 150 Com­pa­ny Insights for updates on new IPOs, acqui­si­tions, and com­pa­nies mov­ing their headquarters…

    Dis­mal num­ber of women CEOs

    Since we start­ed track­ing the num­ber of women CEOs of the Sil­i­con Val­ley in 2014, when there were five women CEOs in the SV150, we have not seen the met­ric break into dou­ble dig­its. There are cur­rent­ly eight women CEOs of the com­pa­nies on our ranking.

    This is despite two of our list’s rare women CEO-founders replac­ing them­selves with women CEOs (at LSV#57 Stitch Fix and LSV#70 Sun­run).

    Unlike our track­ing of women board direc­tors (see analy­sis below), the num­ber of women CEOs in this rank­ing is not a met­ric with a trend line — the num­ber of women CEOs inch­es up and down a lit­tle each year, but has seen no mean­ing­ful trend­line improve­ment.

    The cur­rent eight women CEOs of the Lon­er­gan SV150 are:

    • Lisa Su, AMD (LSV #20)
    • Jayshree Ullal, Arista (LSV #49)
    • Eliz­a­beth Spauld­ing, Stitch Fix (LSV #57), replac­ing woman CEO-founder Kat­ri­na Lake
    • Mary Pow­ell, Sun­run (LSV #70), replac­ing woman CEO-founder Lynn Jurich
    • Hay­den Brown, Upwork (LSV #114)
    • Julie Wain­wright, founder of The­Re­al­Re­al (LSV #118)
    • Jen­nifer Teja­da, Pager­Du­ty (LSV #144
    • Ann Woj­ci­c­ki, founder of 23andMe (LSV#148)

    Con­tin­ue read­ing our LSV 150 Peo­ple Insights for updates on founders, board gen­der diver­si­ty, and dual class stock ownership…

    The Stan­ford Dish ban­ner pho­to at the top of this page is by Jawed [CC BY 3.0 ], from Wiki­me­dia Commons