Women in Wireless Celebrate Mobile Marketing Week

Lon­er­gan Part­ners was a proud spon­sor of the San Fran­cis­co out­ing of the first ever Women in Wire­less six-city inter­na­tion­al event that took the world by storm on Sep­tem­ber 8th, 2011, in the cities of New York, San Fran­cis­co, Lon­don, Toron­to, Edmon­ton, and Cal­gary with over 450 female lead­ers in attendance. 

The event, in hon­or of Mobile Mar­ket­ing Week, brought togeth­er the crème de la crème in mobile and dig­i­tal media to cel­e­brate anoth­er suc­cess­ful and excit­ing year in the indus­try. With cock­tails and appe­tiz­ers in hand, atten­dees mixed and min­gled with exec­u­tives, build­ing con­nec­tions and par­tic­i­pat­ing in a spe­cial speed net­work­ing event. 

New York City—where Women in Wire­less head­quar­ters is based — kicked off the event at the glam­orous Thomp­son Hotel Rooftop Bar (spon­sored by MobileFuse) with Co-founder Veroni­ka Son­sev intro­duc­ing Women in Wire­less as an orga­ni­za­tion focused on empow­er­ing and devel­op­ing female lead­ers in the mobile & dig­i­tal space.’ 

The organization’s sec­ond Co-founder Char­lotte Fors, head­ed the San Fran­cis­co event with a stun­ning view of the har­bor at La Mar, spon­sored by Lon­er­gan Part­ners, Smaa­to, and PayFone. 

Lon­dons event (spon­sored by GSMA & Dif­fu­sion Mobile) held the first cross-con­ti­nen­tal Women in Wire­less event at the GSMA Member’s Lounge with close to a hun­dred in attendance. 

Toron­to, the first of three Cana­di­an events, brought togeth­er the city’s grow­ing num­ber of female exec­u­tives in the mobile indus­try at The Spoke Club, spon­sored by Olson & Maritz Cana­da. Edmon­ton & Cal­garys boast­ed impres­sive num­bers as well, prov­ing that the need for an orga­ni­za­tion like Women in Wire­less is evident.