Lonergan SV150 Market Cap Down 30%

Six Month Update on the 2022 Rankings

Susan Lonergan, October 3rd, 2022

Since the March 31 ranking of the 2022 Lonergan Silicon Valley 150, the S&P 500 has dropped 25%. By comparison, the combined market cap of the Lonergan SV150, our firm’s ranking of the top public companies in technology headquartered in Silicon Valley, has dropped a total of 30% in the six months since March 31.

Let’s look at the changes in mar­ket cap by category:


Mar­ket Cap March 31 

Mar­ket Cap Sept 30

Per­cent Change

Total Rank­ings

$10.6 T

$7.4 T


Recent Pub­lic Co’s Added to Rankings

$131 B

$88 B


Top 50 Co’s

$9,843 B

$6,884 B


Mid 50 Co’s

$496 B

$327 B


Bot­tom 50 Co’s

$223 B

$143 B


Top Gain­er — Super Micro (LSV #43)

$1,963 M

$2,883 M


Top Los­er — The­Re­al­Re­al (LSV #117)

$676 M

$143 M


All 12 Gainers 

$155 B

$174 B


All 132 Losers 

$10.4 T

$7.2 T


Note: Acqui­si­tions removed 6 com­pa­nies in the Lon­er­gan SV150 rank­ings since March 31. The com­pa­nies were not includ­ed in this change analy­sis: Zyn­ga (LSV #52), Poly (LSV #62), Coher­ent (LSV #72), Ana­plan (LSV #109), Natus Med­ical (LSV #116), and NeoPho­ton­ics (LSV #142). Their mar­kets caps were exclud­ed from the num­bers for both March 31 and Sept 30.

To read more about the Lon­er­gan SV150, vis­it our 2022 Insights Page or down­load the com­pa­ny table.

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