Lonergan Partners is pleased to bring you the Lonergan SV 150 – our annual ranking of the top public tech companies headquartered within fifty miles of the old HP Garage — to paint you a picture of 2022 tech sector results.
Get the Company Rankings on a PDF suitable for printing, or for detailed metrics on each company, download the Lonergan SV150 Datatable.
Read our Lonergan SV 150 Insights.
The Lonergan SV150 is the definitive ranking of the top public companies in technology located in the Silicon Valley.
Silicon Valley weathered the 2023 storm, riding a wave of investor enthusiasm for generative AI technology to massive market cap gains in the ranks of the SV150, despite reporting only modest growth in revenue. Net income also grew at a record rate, reflecting efficiency gains from 2022 – 2023 efforts to plump up margins — including significant labor force reductions at many LSV 150 firms.
For detailed insight on the topics above, visit our LSV 150 Insights page to read our Insights. Look for more of our posts in the coming weeks.