Mark Lonergan Moderates SVDX Panel on ESG

On Novem­ber 17, 2022 Mark Lon­er­gan mod­er­at­ed a live pan­el for the Sil­i­con Val­ley Direc­tors Exchange. On the pan­el were dis­tin­guished board experts Alan Seem from DLA Piper, a spon­sor of the event; Pro­fes­sor Colleen Honigs­berg of Stan­ford Law School; and Mar­sha Vande Berg, a cor­po­rate director.

The top­ic was the Prac­ti­cal Appli­ca­tions of ESG for Pub­lic Boards Today. About fifty atten­dees were present for the live pan­el, host­ed at DLA Piper’s offices in Palo Alto, and the sus­b­se­quent cock­tail hour.