Mark Lonergan Moderates SVDX Panel on Board Governance in Founder-led Public Companies

On Sep­tem­ber 23, 2021, Mark Lon­er­gan mod­er­at­ed a very spe­cial round­table for the Sil­i­con Val­ley Direc­tors Exchange. On the pan­el were dis­tin­guished board direc­tors Mag­gie Wilderot­ter, Ken Gold­man, and Chris­tine Rus­sell, plus jour­nal­ist Mau­reen Far­rell to dis­cuss board gov­er­nance at Founder-led Pub­lic Companies.

Come back soon for links to the webi­nar video, our sur­vey results, and our key take­aways from the ses­sion, or vis­it SVDX​.org.