Crisis = Opportunity - An SVDX CEO Roundtable

In a few short months, 2023 has been filled with sig­nif­i­cant busi­ness chal­lenges as well as new evolv­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties in the Sil­i­con Val­ley. On April 27, 2023, Mark Lon­er­gan will mod­er­ate a very spe­cial round­table for the Sil­i­con Val­ley Direc­tors Exchange on the top­ic: Cri­sis = Oppor­tu­ni­ty. What Pub­lic Com­pa­ny CEOs Need From Their Boards Right Now.

This ses­sion wel­comes two for­mer pub­lic com­pa­nies CEOs who will be shar­ing their per­spec­tives on how boards of direc­tors can pro­vide real help to their CEOs dur­ing times of eco­nom­ic change and uncer­tain­ty. The for­mat is an inter­ac­tive ses­sion between CEOs Joe Bur­ton (Tele­sign, Poly) and Moshe Gavrielov (Xil­inx) and our com­mu­ni­ty of active board mem­bers at SVDX. This ses­sion will be con­duct­ed in per­son at Wil­son Son­si­ni Goodrich & Rosati at their Palo Alto Offices and is open to the public.

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Moshe Gavrielov, for­mer CEO of Xilinx

Moshe Gavrielov is for­mer Pres­i­dent, CEO & Direc­tor at Xil­inx, Inc. Pri­or to join­ing Xil­inx, Moshe served as Exec­u­tive Vice Pres­i­dent and Gen­er­al Man­ag­er of the fast-grow­ing ver­i­fi­ca­tion divi­sion at Cadence Design Sys­tems. Before that, he spent sev­er­al years as CEO of Verisi­ty, Ltd. Moshe is cur­rent­ly a mem­ber of the board of direc­tors at TSMC, SiMa​.ai, and Foretellix.

Joe Bur­ton, CEO of Telesign

Joe Bur­ton is cur­rent­ly CEO of Tele­sign. He is the for­mer CEO of Poly. Joe is a trans­for­ma­tion­al leader in the high tech are­na, with rec­og­nized exper­tise in net­work­ing, uni­fied com­mu­ni­ca­tions, big data/​analytics/​machine learn­ing, con­sumer elec­tron­ics, SaaS, and IOT. A rec­og­nized Glob­al trans­for­ma­tion­al change exec­u­tive, he has led pub­lic and pri­vate multi­bil­lion-dol­lar orga­ni­za­tions in dri­ving new prod­uct port­fo­lios, go-to-mar­ket strate­gies, and inno­v­a­tive busi­ness mod­els. Joe is cur­rent­ly a board mem­ber at AVI-SPL.