Lonergan Partners Named #23 in US Retained Executive Search

Lon­er­gan Part­ners is pleased to announce that we have been ranked #23 in retained exec­u­tive search in the Unit­ed States, by C‑Suite CV Secure, in their lat­est rank­ing of Top 99 Retained Exec­u­tive Search Firms in Amer­i­ca for 2021.

We are also their top ranked tech­nol­o­gy search firm head­quar­tered in Sil­i­con Valley.

The rank­ing is based on a com­bi­na­tion of fac­tors with con­fi­den­tial­i­ty being the cor­ner­stone of the method­ol­o­gy. The C‑Suite CV Secure team gath­ered feed­back from clients and can­di­dates over a peri­od of 9 months with exten­sive research on the search process of these indi­vid­ual firms.

See the full list here: Lon­er­gan Part­ners ranked #23 in retained exec­u­tive search