Annual CEO Networking Dinner

Hosted by Partners Mark Lonergan, Kirsten Settle and Michael Cunningham

On Octo­ber 17th, Lon­er­gan Part­ners held its annu­al CEO Din­ner in Palo Alto. This event was the largest in our his­to­ry, draw­ing tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­ny lead­ers from all over the world. It was an out­stand­ing social evening in a wel­com­ing and sup­port­ive envi­ron­ment, one that saw lots of old friends recon­nect­ing and new rela­tion­ships formed.

At Lon­er­gan Part­ners, we look for­ward all year to see­ing our CEO clients and friends togeth­er for a live­ly event like this one. Thank you to all the vision­ary lead­ers whose par­tic­i­pa­tion made this evening unforgettable.

Images from the Event

To down­load images from this event, vis­it our gallery.