The "Three Ts" for Boards Looking to Recruit a Great CFO

Mark Lonergan, July 25th, 2024

In Sil­i­con Val­ley in 2024, the #1 most often recruit­ed exec­u­tive is the Chief Finan­cial Offi­cer. At Lon­er­gan Part­ners we are often asked about the secrets a Board should know before they begin a CFO recruit­ment process. Our answer is: The Three Ts.”

Time­li­ness Great CFO can­di­dates are cur­rent­ly employed. They don’t have time to be dragged through a 5 – 6 month CFO recruit­ment process. Smart Boards are mod­i­fy­ing their search process to fin­ish in 75 – 90 days, cre­at­ing search­es with urgency and purpose.

Trans­paren­cy Strong Boards under­stand that the best CFOs will need to under­stand all of the oper­at­ing details about the com­pa­ny before they decide. The best com­pa­nies invite lead can­di­dates to spend time with the entire Board AND the senior man­age­ment team AND with out­side audit part­ners and coun­sel. No sur­pris­es after the process is concluded.

Tal­ent We’re amazed at how few can­di­dates are con­sid­ered for many Chief Finan­cial Offi­cer search­es here in Sil­i­con Val­ley. A wide net needs to be cast to enlist the best of the best. Boards need to be tough­mind­ed about the out­reach and appraisal process, to ensure a sol­id outcome.

You will notice that we do NOT include mon­ey as a major fac­tor in the recruit­ment of a CFO. Com­pen­sa­tion is impor­tant, but atten­tion to the Three Ts is far more so. The CFO touch­es every­one inside the com­pa­ny. A good CFO search out­come is crit­i­cal for the entire organization.