Does Your Founder Need a Dance Partner?

Mark Lonergan, July 15th, 2022

Recent­ly, ven­ture-backed Logis­tics com­pa­ny Flex­port announced that it had recruit­ed Dave Clark of Ama­zon to join Flex­port as that company’s CEO. That’s not news. Lots of young com­pa­nies are con­sid­er­ing new CEOs in this wonky economy.

What made this spe­cial was how it hap­pened: the Founder/​CEO Ryan Petersen ini­ti­at­ed the CEO change, step­ping into the role of Chair­man instead. Ryan was quot­ed in Inc. as say­ing the following:

Dave is bet­ter than the things we need to win at the next stage. My part­ner­ship with him means that we now have the full skillset and expe­ri­ence nec­es­sary to achieve this mis­sion and we are com­mit­ted to work­ing togeth­er to make Flex­port the best sup­ply chain com­pa­ny in the world.”

By all accounts, Flex­port was flour­ish­ing when this deci­sion was made. Rev­enues are grow­ing at 75% annu­al­ly, like­ly to reach over $5 bil­lion in 2022. Ryan Petersen had found­ed ven­ture-backed Flex­port in 2013 and had been run­ning it as CEO for 11 years. He owns most of the vot­ing stock at the com­pa­ny still. Ryan is well-liked – even revered – by the team and the board at Flex­port. He made the deci­sion inde­pen­dent­ly, believ­ing that Amazon’s Dave Clark could be even bet­ter and more effec­tive at mak­ing Flex­port a glob­al logis­tics com­pa­ny. Ryan has com­mit­ted to part­ner­ing with the new CEO, play­ing what­ev­er role is most use­ful to Dave Clark and the company.

So why is this impor­tant now? Because the econ­o­my is chang­ing quick­ly. New invest­ments are get­ting much hard­er to source. And because there are hun­dreds of great Founders in Sil­i­con Val­ley who could use an infu­sion of tal­ent at the CEO lev­el, folks who can help make their dream a reality.

There are amaz­ing lead­ers in the mar­ket in 2022 who would love to part­ner with Founders as CEO

Is it time for your Founder to get some help?