As of this point in the 2018 proxy season, women directors fill 19% of the board seats on the Lonergan SV150 (board composition data for companies without a 2018 proxy filing to date came from their websites). Compared to our study of Silicon Valley boards published in the 2015 Who Runs Silicon Valley Board edition, this is an increase of six percentage points. A relentless focus on gender diversity in the Silicon Valley has yielded a change in recruitment at the board level. In 2017, the portion of new board seat appointments filled by women was 32%. The pace for 2018 to date is 35%.
- Board seats filled by women: 153 in mid-2015 rising to 237 today
- Percent women held seats: 13% in mid-2015 rising to 19% today
- Number of Lonergan SV150 boards with no women directors: 42 in mid-2015 dropping to 24 today