Media Assets - Lonergan SV150 2024

References In Text


The Mer­cury News SV150 (MN SV150) list was pub­lished for more than thir­ty years before they sus­pend­ed updat­ing it in 2018.

Lon­er­gan Part­ners is now offer­ing the Lon­er­gan SV150 list. Its inau­gur­al list was pub­lished in sum­mer 2018. The cur­rent 2021 list is the fourth in the series to be published.

Sug­gest­ed Text Formats

We con­tin­ue to refer to the SV150,” but to dis­tin­guish our list from that of The Mer­cury News, we sug­gest using one of the ref­er­ence for­mats below in your arti­cles and posts:

The Lon­er­gan SV150

Lon­er­gan SV150


Licens­ing & Attribution

Lon­er­gan Part­ners is pro­vid­ing the Lon­er­gan SV150 list as a pub­lic ser­vice under a Cre­ative Com­mons Attri­bu­tion 4.0 Inter­na­tion­al License. When­ev­er you refer to the Lon­er­gan SV150 in an online or print­ed com­mu­ni­ca­tion, please pro­vide a link back to the fol­low­ing URL:


This link goes to the home page for the 2024 Lon­er­gan SV150, which pro­vides an online basic ver­sion of the list, access to down­load­ing the full ver­sion as a PDF, and access to insights, back­ground infor­ma­tion, foot­notes, and this Media Assets page.

Downloadable Assets

The Lon­er­gan SV150 Logo

The fol­low­ing assets are all PNG files with trans­par­ent backgrounds.

When you need a logo 300 pix­els or larger

The fol­low­ing logos incor­po­rate the words Sil­i­con Val­ley” and Top pub­lic tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­nies.” These addi­tion­al phras­es help explain what the logo rep­re­sents, but in sizes small­er than 300 px, they become illegible.

Click on the image to dis­play it full size, Then right-click it to save or copy the URL to use.

Click on the image to dis­play it full size, Then right-click it to save or copy the URL to use.

When you need a logo small­er than 300 pixels

The logos below sub­sti­tute SV” for Sil­i­con Val­ley and drops the phrase“Top pub­lic tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­nies” in order for the logo to be clear­ly read­able as sizes below 300 pixels.

Click on the image to dis­play it full size, Then right-click it to save or copy the URL to use.

Click on the image to dis­play it full size, Then right-click it to save or copy the URL to use.

The Lon­er­gan SV150 Map

Lon­er­gan SV150 map of the expand­ed Sil­i­con Valley

Click on the image to dis­play it full size, Then right-click it to save or copy the URL to use.

LSV150 Map with HP Garage highlighted

The Stan­ford Dish ban­ner pho­to at the top of this page is by Jawed [CC BY 3.0 ], from Wiki­me­dia Commons