
General Footnotes

Year Pub­lic was sourced from com­pa­ny fil­ings first. Miss­ing data was sourced from inter­net based com­pa­ny pro­files such as in Crunch­base, or from news arti­cles. In some instances, we have cho­sen among mul­ti­ple pos­si­ble IPO years, typ­i­cal­ly when the com­pa­ny went through sig­nif­i­cant struc­tur­al changes, usu­al­ly with a pub­lic spin-off or two pub­lic enti­ties merging.

2021 Sales is for the four quar­ters end­ing on or near­est to 12-31-2021. The quar­ter end­ing the report­ed peri­od is giv­en in the col­umn to the right of 2021 Sales. For com­pa­nies with more lim­it­ed report­ed infor­ma­tion avail­able, see spe­cif­ic com­pa­ny foot­notes below.

Growth refers to year-over-year sales growth, with the same time peri­od adjust­ments as made to 2021 sales.

Prof­itabil­i­ty refers to Net Income over Sales (net prof­it) adjust­ed to the same time peri­od as 2021 Sales.

Mar­ket Cap tak­en from Yahoo Finance dat­ed March 312022 This site defines mar­ket cap as stock price mul­ti­plied by shares out­stand­ing tak­en from the most recent­ly filed quar­ter­ly or annu­al report.

CEO name tak­en from the com­pa­ny web­site the week of March 31, 2022. Inter­im sta­tus is not­ed when­ev­er this was described on the web­site, or in recent press releas­es. Founder sta­tus was not­ed if the CEO was called a founder on the com­pa­ny web­site or in the lat­est proxy state­ment. Online bios such as LinkedIn and Bloomberg were also con­sult­ed for clar­i­fi­ca­tion when necessary.

Head­quar­ters was first tak­en from con­tent on com­pa­ny web­site in March 2022. Is cas­es where no HQ is list­ed on the web­site, we con­sult­ed press releas­es, media cov­er­age, and the last proxy state­ment. In some cas­es, if there was dif­fi­cult to inter­pret infor­ma­tion, and we used our best judgment.

Company Footnotes

LSV150 #148 23andme:  A full 12 months growth in sales was not avail­able. The growth rate shown on the datat­able is for the nine month peri­od end­ing 12/31/2021 ver­sus the same peri­od in the pri­or year.

The Stan­ford Dish ban­ner pho­to at the top of this page is by Jawed [CC BY 3.0 ], from Wiki­me­dia Commons